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"Houston tech founders, are you starting to get FOMO in the burgeoning Houston startup & innovation landscape? RocketNetwork's Monday newsletter is how I keep up and plan my week. @Oleg Lysiak does all the work. I love it."

Fareed Zein
CEO and Founder at Unytag

"Houston's innovation ecosystem is rapidly expanding and there aren't enough hours in the day to catch it all.  Oleg's Rocket Network provides wisdom on time best spent to maximize impact for business development to strategically navigate the top events happening in this growing city!"

Bryton Praslicka
CEO at FluxWorks

"RocketNetwork keeps me abreast of local Houston happenings in the startup scene.  Oleg distills some dozen event-organizers' communications into asimple, direct, email that lets you quickly sift the pertinent from the ‘not-worthy’. This saves me precious time when deciding which events have synergy with my activities and my company. RocketNetwork is a must-have for anyone in the startup community."

Robert Rolnik
CEO WindEverest

"This newsletter is a must-have for anyone in the Houston startup scene. It’s concise, informative, and always on point with the latest events and workshops. It’s helped me connect with the community and stay ahead of the curve. Highly recommended!"

Ayoade (Joy) Ademuyewo
Founder&CEO at Lokum
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